author & INVENTOR
My first book, C and the Box, was written back in 1992.
A few years later it was made into an animated short.
C and the Box

C and the Box 2022

The Sequils
They ended up being self published.
I have always believed that
"C and His Map of the World"
is a perfect graduation gift for high school or University students.
C Gets Reorganized speaks to the skills of adaptability and flexibility.

Co-Authored Book Series

South Africa

Hypnosis Products
In 1994, I became certified as a Hypnotherapist. I was fascinated with Neuro Linguistics and the power our language has on ourself and others at a subconscious level.
My first direct application was a recording designed to tap into our creativity at the subconscious level. To be instantly creative at will. I found that those who used the recording consistently reported the deep relaxing sleep they received in the process. People sought the recording out just for sleep issues. I then began research into sleep and found that NASA had done most of it already for me. Ideal sleep times for astronauts at delta (deepest) level sleep. I then created a recording that accelerated the speed at which you could get to that level of sleep through neural conditioning and the ideal length of time for a full nights sleep. In 2004, Speed Sleep was born. It has been a huge success over the years with over 50,000 users.
My second application was for me to start with. In was making plans to return to race the 40th Anniversary of the Baja 1000 with the same team I was on when we won it back in 1995. The race was planned to be epic at a total of 1297 miles. This meant getting in great shape as an "old rider" at age 48. So, I created a recording focusing my subconscious mind on health and fitness. It drove me to eat healthy and increase my fitness level. It worked, we ended up on the podium with a 6th Place finish. After that everyone wanted me to record them one. So, in 2008, Speed Sleep II - For Health and Fitness was born.
Product Description
Speed Sleep for a great sleep
Nearly one third of Americans have some kind of sleep problem, whether they are students struggling to stay awake after an all-nighter, jet-lagged executives, or sleep-deprived new parents. That’s more than one hundred million people who can’t sleep! In fact, a study by A.C. Nielsen (the company that monitors TV ratings) estimated that around 20 million Americans are watching television between the hours of midnight and 3am – and obviously, staring bleary-eyed at late night infomercials is no substitute for a good night’s sleep. What’s worse, 50% of all adults have used sedatives or other sleep aids at some point; 20% use them on a regular basis as a quick fix for their sleep problems.
However, sleep aids and medications are just a temporary solution to a permanent problem – they are just a band-aid for insomnia and related issues. Undoubtedly, the nation-wide sleep debt is a huge and growing issue, in regard to both our nation’s health and productivity. Enter Speed Sleep, an innovative, drug-free means of improving the quality and quantity of your sleep.
Speed Sleep is a simple recording that programs your mind and body to fall into a deep slumber rapidly and easily. There are two tracks – one for a rejuvenating power nap and one for a full night’s worth of sleep. All you do is listen to it on your stereo as you lay in bed and Speed Sleep will hasten your descent into dreamland.
Besides the energy boost you will gain from using Speed Sleep, you will experience increased productivity and creativity – after all, it is almost impossible to be industrious or creative when you are tired and out of it from a lack of sleep, and another cup of coffee can’t replace a solid night’s sleep or even a restorative nap. And of course, a good nap can take too much time and it can make you more exhausted than you were previously, and using sleep aids or sedatives at night can lead to being groggy for the entire following day. However, Speed Sleep can make it possible for you to nap or sleep and awake recharged and refreshed.
Speed Sleep can also benefit people who don’t normally suffer from sleep problems, like those who travel extensively (imagine being able to sleep soundly on a flight and avoid jet lag altogether!), or people who have temporary sleep but don’t want to use sleep drugs. For example, Speed Sleep is an ideal solution for pregnant women or children who can’t take the sedatives or tranquilizers that many people use to combat their sleep problems.
Hypnosis and Golf
After spending years working with Sports Illustrated and Golf magazine, I began to work on a hypnosis product for Golf. I spent time working with the editors and the "Top 100 Teachers" who were golf instructors around the world recognized as the best of the best. We isolated the biggest challenge to the mental side of golf is "over thinking". Thoughts that occur before and during a shot cause problems. Thus, Thought Free Golf was created.
The product description:
Ever wished you could bring your best driving range swing to the first tee – and the next seventeen too? You know that you have that swing in you, but something happens on the course and your mind interferes with your body. Distractions like the pressure to score well, hitting in front of others, feeling rushed, or even second-guessing yourself all prevent access to your perfect swing.
Now, you can thank Thought-Free-Golf: a simple system that gives you mastery over the mental side of your game. Thought Free Golf is designed to program your brain to shut out all distracting thoughts allowing you access to your perfect swing – every hole.
Just by listening to the CD repeatedly Thought Free Golf “hard wires” a thought routine into your brain. For those curious to understand how it works, the system includes a book, which gives a detailed explanation of how Thought Free Golf programs the subconscious mind to yield powerful results. It is also full of simple tips on mastering the mental side of your game.
Also, look for Thought Free Putting, which is specifically targeted at eliminating the dreaded “yips”!